The Dimapur Mission Higher Secondary School held its two day Spiritual Retreat Programme on 24th & 25th August 2018 with Mrs. Imtijungla as the main Speaker and the Sinai Ministry as the Praise and Worship Team at Town Fellowship Dimapur Ao Baptist Arogo. The Speaker expounded in depth about relationship issues and life problems faced by young people today.
While emphasising on life issues she cautioned the students not to be deceived by onslaught of entertainment lifestyle which is evident in the media today. Young people must not waste their lives in useless and unproductive activities but must learn to lead discipline life and inculcate good habits which will help them become successful. She also mentioned that in many families there are relationship issues between parents and children because of lack of respect and proper communication between parents and children. In this respect she encouraged the students to communicate with their parents in their mother tongue, honour their parents and work hard to live up to the expectation of their parents. She encouraged the students not to take their God-given freedom for granted but to become responsible by identifying their talents and by confronting their problems and overcoming them. She encouraged the students to examine their lives and know the strengths God has given them and nurture to the fullest potential.
The School Retreat programme witnessed healings and testimonies from the students. Many students committed their lives to God. The Retreat was also a blessing for all the teachers and the entire School community.
The School Spiritual Retreat is an annual event that is held every year for spiritual nourishment of the students. It is a life changing programme that has transformed the lives of students.