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  • 1st Term Examination – In the Month of April
  • 2nd Term Examination –  In the Month of June
  • Pre Selection Test – September (Class 10)
  • Selection Examination – October (Class 10)
  • Final Term Examination – In the month of November (Classes A – 9)
1.2) Issue of Admit Card – Will be issued by the office after the payment of the latest month fees.
1.3) Declaration of Results – [As declared by the Office (Classes A – 9)] [As declared by NBSE (Class 10)]



  • 1st Term Examination – April (for class 12)
  • Mid Term Examination – September
  • Selection Examination – October
  • Promotion Examination for Class 11 & HSSLC for Class 12 – as per NBSE exam routine
2.2) Issue of Admit Card – Will be issued by the office after the payment of the latest month fees.
2.3)  Declaration of Results – As declared by NBSE